Saturday, September 1, 2007

Matthews Alive- September 2007

Hello Everyone!
We took our grandaughter, Maya, to "Matthews Alive" today and had a great time! This is an annual festival and parade that Matthews has been holding for the past ten years on Labor Day weekend.
I've posted a few photos of our time there.

We have Maya, who is 15 months old, almost every Friday evening through to early-afternoon on Saturday. It gives our daughter, Rebecca, and her husband, Evan, a wee break, as they also have their daughter, Liv, who is only about 9 weeks old.

Today I spent quite a bit of time trying to find a suitable computer, at a price they can afford, for a close family friend. I think I've succeeded and they plan to let me know in the next couple of days. Yea!

That's it for today.

God bless,
Paul (Photos below)

With Marilyn at the parade
"Nose" Game with Grandaddy!
MANY vintage cars & trucks!

VERY tall cowboy!
Sir Purr on his motorbike!
LOTS of floats!
Chick-fil-a Cow!
Another vintage car!
MANY bands participated!

<== Marilyn begins a new job with this agency on Monday,
September 10th.